Last Updated On: 14 November 2023

Empower Your Clients’ Recovery with Power Liens

Designed with you in mind, our user-friendly platform ensures a smoother experience for patients and their attorneys, facilitating the selection and booking of appointments with top-notch providers on liens in the Power Liens Preferred Provider Network.


The new Power Liens website is not just a redesign; it’s a commitment to providing high-quality medical care for those who have been injured. We are taking that commitment to the next level by making it easier than ever for patients, and those that represent or treat them, to access the care they need.


Geographic and Specialty Search

You can effortlessly search by geographic area for a wide range of providers or narrow your request to a specific specialty in order to connect with healthcare professionals working on liens. The redesigned website caters to your needs, ensuring you connect with healthcare professionals working on liens seamlessly.


Streamlined Appointment Booking

After you select your preferred healthcare professional from our easy-to-search online network, request an appointment and provide some basic information about the patient and their availability. If you indicate the patient is ready to schedule, the doctor will reach out to them to set up an appropriate course of care.


Additional Providers in the Area 

Now, when searching for a healthcare provider, patients and attorneys can also locate other medical specialists working on liens in the same geographic area. The website makes it easy to connect with pain management physicians, orthopedists, chiropractors and other specialists dedicated to caring for injured patients.

If you are searching for medical professionals working on liens, explore the new Power Liens website today. We are confident that you will find it to be a valuable resource in your clients’ journey toward recovery.