As many attorneys know, finding a pharmacy willing to provide treatment on lien can be extremely difficult. The main reasons that pharmacies are skeptical is because personal injury and workers’ compensation cases involve detailed documentation and often take a long time to settle. In the past, many of the negotiations between attorneys and pharmacies also included middlemen that made the process much more complicated than necessary. Unfortunately, many of the pharmacies would avoid or decline such work outright!
Power Liens is the largest online directory of doctors working on a lien basis and we are proud to have many pharmacies who have registered themselves on our directory. They have done so because Power Liens is a very convenient platform for attorneys to find doctors and pharmacies, contact them and negotiate their own terms. There are no third party negotiations and no holding of the lien by middlemen. With Power Liens, the entire experiencehas becomemuch more transparent and many more pharmacies have started to trust the process of working on liens.
That being said, how can pharmacies facilitate your personal injury or workers’ compensation cases?
Providing medical supplies
Pharmacies can assist by providing all the medical supplies required. Especially in case of any kind of surgery, a pharmacy can provide all the supplies that are required by the surgeon that is working on the case with the attorney.
Providing medication promptly
All the medication that is required by the doctor or the surgeon can be provided by a pharmacy. The pharmacies that work with these patients thoroughly understand that the payment for treatment will not be up front.
Pharmacies also understand that the prescribed medicines need to be delivered promptly to the patient. If the patient requires a refill, the treating pharmacy will promptly provide so long as the doctor has still prescribed it.
Pharmacies also maintain a detailed record of the supplies and medication provided for each case. This is to ensure that the total cost of treatment is correct and will be essential once the case is settled for the pharmacy to receive payment. In addition to this, these records serve as a crucial piece of evidence that will be submitted in court to show to the client’s damages.
Power Liens has numerous pharmacies registered that work on lien basis and assist in personal injury doctor and workers’ compensation cases. These pharmacies are willing to take a lien because with Power Liens, they can work with doctors and attorneys in both a highly professional and transparent manner.
If you are an attorney looking for a pharmacy on lien, all you need to do is enter your location and click search! Once you have selected a pharmacy to work with, simply call and discuss your terms. Finding a pharmacy on lien was never so easy!