Chiropractors endeavor to target and relieve the patient’s pain after a personal injury or workers comp accident. While every personal injury or workers’ compensation case differs, there are some injuries that commonly occur. To locate a chiropractor, Power Liens has established an outstanding reputation connecting those injured in accidents, with medical professionals to treat their injuries. You will find that our robust directory features, acupuncturists, chiropractors, orthopedists, physical therapists, surgeons, which operate on a lien basis for personal injury and workers’ compensation cases.
The most common personal injury chiropractic cases include:
Auto Accidents
The range of injuries resulting from auto accidents includes abrasions, lacerations, and whiplash and back pain. Sometimes more serious cranial injuries may result in persistent chronic headaches. Chiropractic treatments are generally based on the symptoms articulated by the patient during the initial evaluations.
Slip and fall injuries and soft tissue Injuries
A slip and fall injury may not always be life-threatening; however, certain falls of this type result in minor bruises, herniated discs, broken bones and other common soft tissue injuries that occur either during car accidents or a slip and fall. Chiro treatments may include, but are not limited to, spinal alignment and decompression therapy if there are challenges in mobility and severe pain after the accident.
If you are an attorney looking for a chiropractor to pair with on your personal injury or workers’ compensation case, please browse the Power Liens directory.
Power Liens has formed the largest online directory of medical professionals who work on a lien basis—with over 4000 doctors offering medical services in 25 different specialties. We have established close relationships with both legal experts and board-certified medical professionals, including acupuncturists, chiropractors, pain management specialists, neurosurgeons and psychologists. The added value of working with Power Liens is having unrestricted access to our engaged research team who will help you locate the right doctor. Simply email, text, or call our team for assistance.
For medical professionals not currently listed on Power Liens, please contact us directly for more information on how to register your practice on our directory.
For a list of chiropractors working on a lien basis click here.